Robert Swan
At Go Green Winnetka, our mission is to create a sustainable future for all. We believe that everyone can make an impact and that small actions can lead to big changes. Through our initiatives and advocacy, we aim to raise awareness about the importance of environmental sustainability and empower individuals and communities to take action. Because of this, Go Green Winnetka is a proud sponsor of the Winnetka Future Energy Coalition.
The Winnetka Future Energy Coalition was established in the summer of 2024 in response to the Illinois Municipal Electric Agency’s (IMEA) request for its 32 member communities to renew their energy contracts a decade ahead of schedule. The proposed renewal would lock Winnetka into IMEA’s coal-heavy energy mix—currently 80% coal-fired—until 2055.
Please see corresponding links below.
May 14, 2024: IMEA presents its request for Winnetka to renew its contract early
July 9, 2024: The Village Council discusses next steps for the consideration of the proposed power sales contract
Summer 2024: A group of concerned residents came together to form the Winnetka Future Energy Coalition (WFEC)
October 22, 2024: The WFEC hosted a public forum to help Winnetka explore its options
December 10, 2024: Mark Pruitt of the Power Bureau LLC presented at a Village Council Study Session
February 3, 2025: The WFEC Leadership Team sent a letter to the trustees
February 11, 2025: IMEA was given a second chance to persuade Winnetka to renew its contract at a Village Council Study Session
February 27, 2025: The WFEC Leadership Team sent another letter to the trustees.
March 4, 2025: All interested residents are invited to attend the next Village Council meeting to voice their concerns during public comment at the beginning of the meeting.
On Feb 27, 2025, the WFEC Leadership Team sent a letter to the Village Council encouraging them to hold off signing the IMEA renewal until after the April 30 deadline, in order to give them more time to explore their options. Critical components necessary to reach the best decision for the village and its residents are missing.
On Feb 3, 2025, the WFEC Leadership Team sent a letter to the Village Council with questions and resources in advance of the Feb 11 study session, in which IMEA will be given a second chance to persuade the Village to sign the contract renewal.
The Village Council held a study session on July 9, 2024, during which the next steps for consideration of the proposed power sales contract were discussed. Begin watching at 25:50.
Please attend and make comments at all Village Council meetings to make sure that our trustees know how important it is to explore all our future energy options. Let's keep the momentum going.